We Never Stop Improving Our Repair Shop Software
Our repair shop software as been growing and improving since 2009 - and we never stop adding new features. In fact, every time you hit the "main menu" page
of our repair shop software, you see a "What's New" listing, which describes newly added features of the software. You will be amazed at the number of improvements!
And the best part? These improvements come from our customers, who never stop thinking on how to improve RepairTRAX. Everybody wins !
RepairTRAX Repair Shop Software is Always Improving!
There Have Been Hundreds of Free Enhancements. Below Are the Latest... Sign Up to See Them All !
- New - New Option to NOT Print Time on Worklog [04-18-24]
Now there are three options for the worklog printout. In addition to the "Don't Print" and "Print", there is now
a "Print but Hide the Time" option. In otherwords, instead of MM/DD/YY HH:MM, it is just MM/DD/YY.
Admin / Settings / Printout Preferences.
- New - [TINY_SIGNATURE] [04-18-24]
If you use custom HTML and want to use a touch device to capture signaures, you now have both [SIGNATURE] - and the
new [TINY_SIGNATURE]. The latter is the same as [SIGNATURE] but just 50% smaller in size.
- Update - Bar Code Generator Update [04-01-24]
The Bar Code Generator code has been updated. Supported types are Auto, Code 128, Code 39, new QRCodes.
If you use bar codes you should visit the Admin Settings and verify / update your code selections. Preferred
code is Code 128 as it supports most characters.
- New - Slight Interface Change On Customer Search / New Ticket (See Below) [03-24-24]
When doing a Customer Lookup and/or New Ticket, you always search on the customer first. If the customer has only one
Service Item, then you can either click the New Ticket icon next to the listed Service Item - Or - you can click the icon with
the "+ symbol on it to create a new ticket for a new Service Item.
If the customer has more than one Service Item, you can either click the "expand" icon to list all Service Items
on a separate line, with the option to create a new ticket for any of those items - or - you can click the icon with
the "+ symbol on it to create a new ticket for a new Service Item.
- New - Big Camera Update [03-23-24]
If you attach images to your tickets, this is big news. You now can use the back camera on your phone or tablet
to easily and quickly capture images with just a few touches!!! You still have the option to browse (you have to scroll
down past the live camera) - but the live camera was moved to the top since it's so much faster - and very cool!!!
You can also "flip" the camera from back to front with just one touch. In addition, you now also have the option to
add 10 photos per ticket - up from the old limit of 4. Enjoy!
- New - Shared Parts List (MAJOR UPDATE) [03-10-24]
Stores created or duplicated starting today now have the option to "share parts", meaning if you change the
price, description, etc. at one location, the other location's price (or whatever) is adjusted as well. Everything is
shared except inventory and location - those are managed store-to-store.
This is classified as a "major update" due to the amount of code modified. Therefore, if you notice anything
behaving differently, please call or email RepairTRAX!
Current multi-store clients cannot "go backward" to shared parts (sorry) - only future stores have this option. You still
have the ability with multi-store customer searches.
- New - New Store Type of TIRE SERVICE CENTER [03-10-24]
RepairTRAX now support a new type of store - a Tire Service Center (tires, wipers, oil changes, etc.).
- New - Contact Preference on Ticket List [02-28-24]
Within the Customer section of the ticket list, their preferred contact method is now visible.
- New - Multi-Store Customer Search [02-13-24]
This is for Multi-Store customers only (customers with multiple locations). On the Customer Search
page you will find a new Multi-Store search form (on the left) that allows you to enter a phone number, and then
locate all tickets and activity (similar to Customer History), with the results broken down by location. You may
then view these tickets (similar to "Print Ticket") - meaning view only no editing, and no need to "Jump" to another
store. Sweet!
- Updated - SMTP2GO Verification Info on Messages Tab [02-04-24]
This is for admins only. Please note that all information about SMTP2GO and how to get verified
for automated messaging is now on the Admin / Messages area wthin the Admin Menu.
- Updated - Uploading Custom Images [01-31-24]
The issue with uploading custom images (via Admin / Image & Files) has been resolved and you
can now successfully upload your custom graphics to make RepairTRAX look like YOU own the software.
CLICK HERE to See All the Newest & Coolest Enhancements Today
Feature List of Our Service Ticket Software & Service Ticketing Software
Features and Services for The Store Manager / Owner
KEY FEATURE - Process Credit and Debit Cards via the RepairTRAX POS
When it comes time for your customer to pick up their equipment & pay, you can now processes their credit or debit card within the RepairTRAX software. Nice !
KEY FEATURE - Customize RepairTRAX to Make It Look Like YOUR Custom Application
RepairTRAX repair shop software has a variety of "themes" - and with just one click of a button - the entire application changes to a new color scheme.
In addition, you are allowed to upload your own custom graphic - and instantly RepairTRAX turns into "Your Custom Application", with your
own look and feel - the ultimate in professionalism!
KEY FEATURE - Customers Can View THEIR Repair Ticket / Service Ticket ON YOUR SITE
RepairTRAX repair shop software allows you to use YOUR web site as a "customer portal", allowing your customers to view their repair ticket / service ticket ON YOUR SITE, providing your
shop with that state-of-the-art look and feel! When the ticket is presented, there is on reference to RepairTRAX whatsoever. It's like your own custom app on YOUR web site!
Click Here to see an Example...
Instructions and a code download are included with the above example.
KEY FEATURE - Custom Service Tags, Release Forms, ANY FORM with Full Database Integration
RepairTRAX repair shop software lets you upload an unlimited number of custom forms that you design. Each form can contain keywords like [FIRST], [LAST], [SERVICE_ITEM] etc.
that are automatically replaced with the values within the database, such as the customers first & last name, and the service item you are working on. Cool !
KEY FEATURE - Custom Work Log / Work Flow Entries on Your Service Tickets
RepairTRAX repair shop software allows the store owner / manager to define a 100% completely flexible work flow. YOU get to decide
which "Work Log Entries" (Like 'Reason for Service", 'Work In Progress', 'Parts Need Ordering'...) show up on your service tickets,
AND you even get to define the order of appearance in the selection drop-downs. Run your repair business the way you are used to with the
ultimate in flexibility - RepairTRAX!
KEY FEATURE - Bar Code Support for Parts, Tickets, and Service Items
RepairTRAX can generate a variety of bar codes that you can use to encode Ticket Numbers, Service Items, and/or your Parts ! Super fast and super easy!
KEY FEATURE - Live Repair Item Image Capture via Web Cam / Camera
RepairTRAX allows you to attach images to your repair ticket / service ticket. But the cool thing about RepairTRAX, is that we give you the optin to use a LIVE WEB CAM to expedite the process,
thus eliminating having to take a digital photo and then browse to the JPG file. This saves you time and money - you want that right?
KEY FEATURE - Automatic Customer Notification via TXT and/or Email
One of our key features is our automatic TXT and/or Email notification system, that automatically updates your customers of the progress
being made within your repair shop as your technicians perform work. It all happens seamlessly with no additional effort on your staff. YOU
get to pick WHICH service / repair Work Flow steps actually trigger a message.
You May Also Define In-Store Messages For Any or All Work Flow / Work Log Steps
See How US EZ Tech Touts Our Automactic Customer Notification
Service to Their Customers!
Click Here
- Customize RepairTRAX To The Way YOU Do Business
With the RepairTRAX repair shop software, you can set up your store to operate and perform the way YOU do business! You are able
to define what you do, how you do it, and even what type{s} of data collection you would like to perform. You are allowed to customize
your service items and how they are entered - and a whole lot more. RepairTRAX rocks!
- Define How Parts and Labor are Managed
RepairTRAX has a very easy-to-use Parts & Labor interface. You basically define "high level" parts (like a 'Laptop'), and then (optionally)
further define the the service item via CUSTOM labels such as 'Manufacturer' and 'Model Number'. The cool part is: you get to define your own
optional labels - and whether or not these additionals options are Required or not! RepairTRAX lets YOU define how YOU do business - which is
what great software is all about!
RepairTRAX Customers Speak Out
- Once again, we love the software... we have tried many others and none compare to the ease of use of RepairTRAX. Brandon, Computer Karma
- Screen Geeks could not exist without RepairTrax software. Screen Geeks
- We REALLY appreciate the responsiveness that you have shown Peggy Wiley, US EZTech
- RepairTRAX is a must for ANY repair shop! NerdLink / PC Nerds
- Thanks for everything and we love your product! Abby, Computer Karma
- Repairtrax is awesome, we could't run our shops without it. Sean Patrick, Boulder Mac Repair
- This program pays for itself every single day! Bill, J&B Electronics
- Since we started using the program, it has been a huge time saver Allendale True Value Hardware
- I was able to teach my team in a few hours Miguel Jarquin, 1RepairCenter
- As always, let me start by saying how much we LOVE your program! It has made a huge positive difference in how we do business. BNC Education
- We love it and simply don't know how we lived without it. Bryan Jackson / Ebryans.com
- Create an Unlimited Number of Repair Tickets
There is no limit to the number of Repair Tickets you can create. Each ticket also shows prior work history not only to your
Techs, but also to you and the customer as well.
- Automatic Communication With Customers and/or In-Store Staff
RepairTRAX has the option to automatically notify each customer about thier repair progress via TXT and/or Email. The slick part is,
these communications are sent automatically as the Tech works on the repair. You can alternatively pick and choose which events will
trigger an automatic customer notification. This saves time - and money!
- Full Data Export Support
RepairTRAX repair shop software is backed up daily. However, a lot of customers want the security of knowing that they can download
and archive their data at any time, day or night. RepairTRAX supports full data export of your tickets and customers - and all with
just a few clicks. So no worries... it's your data, and it's available 24 / 7 for export.
- Integrate With QuickBooks
If you use QuickBooks - you already know that although QuickBooks is great for some things... it is lacking in other things. Especially
when it comes to managing your repairs, your technicians, and your repair business. Well look no further - now you can have your cake and
eat it too. Let RepairTRAX manage your repairs... and let QuickBooks manage your business... and get more done faster!!
- Create Unlimited Employee / Tech Log-Ins
Each employee has their own login and password. There is no limit to the number of Tech Log-Ins you can create.
Each tech then uses the system to work on service repairs. While they work, they dynamically create the Repair Ticket details,
plus automatically register what they are doing in real-time.
- Create an Unlimited Number of Customers
There is no limit to the number of customers you can track with RepairTRAX repair shop software. You are provided with a Customer Directory, and also
a Customer Search feature that allows you to quckly locate an existing customer.
- View Customer History
Easily review any customer record to see past Repair Tickets and/or verify whether any warranties are valid.
- Track In-Store Repair Progress in Real-Time
As your Techs move through the repairs for the day, you can easily look at the state of each ticket, which tickets have been sent
to Customer Pickup, which tickets are running late, which tickets are Rush jobs, and also, which Tech is working on what project
at any time.
- Generate Reports for All Techs, or an Individual Tech
The RepairTRAX reporting system allows you to quickly break down tickets by parts & labor. It also allows you to view the
time spent on tickets, and by which Technicians. Results are displayed in data format, and also in 3-D Flash pie-charts! And if
your store pays Technicians by the ticket's parts & labor volume, then this software us a must.
Features and Services for Your Technicians
- Create Repair Tickets Easily with the New Repair Ticket Wizard
RepairTRAX uses an intuitive "Wizard" to create Repair Tickets quickly and easily. The software walks the Technician though the
process step-by-step, insuring that there are no duplicate tickets, and that the required information for successful repair
is gathered quickly and accurately.
- Simplified Parts and Labor
With the RepairTRAX system, every time a Tech needs to add parts & labor to a Repair Ticket, the software only lists the parts
and/or labor options that are available to that particular model. In addition, they have the option of picking a New or Used part.
Super simple... super fast!
- Automatic Communication With Customers and/or In-Store Staff
RepairTRAX has the option to automatically notify each customer about thier repair progress via TXT and/or Email. The slick part is,
these communications are sent automatically as the Tech works on the repair. You can alternatively pick and choose which events will
trigger an automatic customer notification. This saves time - and money!
Each time the Tech enters progress into the RepairTRAX system,
your store has the option to automtically send the progress to the customer via TXT and/or Email
OR send an internal in-store email to one or more staff members !
- Enhanced Focus on the Job At Hand
By eliminating a lot of the customer communication responsibilities frees up your Techs to focus on the repair job at hand, thus becoming
more proficient. They earn more money - and you increase your bottom line.
- Preview Expected Paycheck Amount
If your store pays by the ticket's parts and labor amount, your Technician can now see their expected pay. In addition, by allowing
your Techs to preview their status acts as an invisible motivator - pushing them to do more, faster. Everybody wins!
Features and Services for Your Customers
- Customers Automaticall Recieve TXT and/or Email Updates
You will look like a state-of-the-art repair shop when your customers automatically receive customized TXT and/or Email messages
during the real-time progress of their repair! You decide which message{s} you wish to send, and each message can be fully customized by you.
The customer also has the freedom to accept or decline this service during the drop-off process.
- Customers can View Their Repair Ticket on Your Web Site
You can optionally set up RepairTRAX to display their Repair Ticket on your site - further enhancing your image as a
state-of-the-art repair shop. The ticket looks like it belongs on your web site, and the customer will not know it is RepairTRAX.
All the customer needs to know is your web site address, and their phone number - it's that easy!
- Repeat Customers See Prior Repairs
If your customer is a repeat customer - for the same repair item - their Repair Ticket will show all prior work done.
This helps with warranty determination, plus it also allows the Tech to review past issues.
When You Sign Up, You Get:
Immediate Access
Nothing to Install
Full Functionality
A Great Solution !!
Watch our Cool Promo to Answer a Lot of Your Questions!!
We Work With QuickBooks.... Do You?
Let RepairTRAX manage your repairs... and let QuickBooks manage your business.
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